The Myth of Love
You have to left me in the wilderness of myself alone,
A self whose self I no longer own,
Linger I shall in the coldness of separation,
for which there are no cure.
Linger I shall till you come to claim that which is yours,
I will be a bridge imprisoned,
So you may walk over me just one more time,
I have drowned in your love,
and now I shall pay for this crime.
I will suffer a thousands years of storm,
so your smell I may scent.
Through it’s turbulence, your memory in my heart,
I shall cement.
It matters not anymore if this love will return,
It suffices me that, in your love to ashes, I burn.
I will be the cloud that yearns to rain, on your drought,,
perhaps then my love you will no longer be a doubt.
I’ll be the light with the darkness of night,
I shall fight in this turmoil.
In your memory, I shall write, I shall write.
In this pen I shall pour the ink of my heart,
In the pain of these lines from my soul, I shall part.
A time will come, when you shall read the myth of my love,
Alas a time,
when I can only watch you from above.